Queen Mary 2Today I had an interesting exchange of information from a guest aboard the Queen Mary 2.

It seems that last night around midnight a German guest (not our source of information) reported that his wife was missing from the ship. He thought that she jumped overboard. There were allegedly footprints on the couple’s balcony table

Yesterday I blogged about a near collision which allegedly occurred between Royal Caribbean’s Liberty of the Seas and a small Italian fishing boat, the Angela II, which is based in Civitavecchia.   

You can read my article: Royal Caribbean’s Liberty of the Seas Nearly Runs Over Italian Fishing Boat. The article was based on

Scientology - L. Ron Hubbard - Freewinds Cruise ShipThe Australian Broadcasting Network just published a weird and disturbing report that the Scientology organization held a young woman against her will on its cruise ship, the Freewinds, which the Scientologists home port in Curaçao.

The report involves Valeska Paris who was born into a Scientology family.  Her father, once a millionaire, alleged that