In July of 2013, Senator Rockefeller introduced the Cruise Passenger Protection Act of 2013. The bill was designed to provide the Department of Transportation (DOT) with greater authority to protect consumers and investigate complaints of unsafe conditions and ill-treatment on cruise ships.

The cruise industry opposed the proposed cruise legislation because it was designed to

Cruise Vessel Consumer Confidence ActA congressman and congresswoman in California have introduced proposed legislation which will provide rights to cruise passengers.

Congressman John Garamendi (D-Walnut Grove CA) has introduced a bill designed to protect cruise consumers following repeated poor treatment of passengers on cruises this year. Congresswoman Doris Matsui (D-Sacremento) co-sponsored the bill.

The proposed new law is called the

Yesterday I spent the afternoon in Washington DC. attending the hearing before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation titled “Recent Incidents Show Need for Stronger Focus on Consumer Protection.”

I have attended seven Congressional hearings on cruise ship safety issues from December 2005 through March 2012. This is my eight hearing.