A long term employee of Crystal Cruises recently died, according to a Go Fund Me page created yesterday by one of the crew member’s friends.

Kiko Payongayong reportedly worked for Crystal Cruises as a waiter from 27 years. He was fifty years old at the time of his death. He left behind a wife and four children.

There is speculation regarding the crew member’s cause of death. Crystal Cruises has not made an official statement to date.

There have been at least six crew members who reportedly ended their lives since May 1st and one who attempted to do so. In addition, Royal Caribbean stated that one crew member on the Mariner of the Seas reportedly died of “natural causes,” although it did not release an official cause of death.

You can access the Go Fund Me page here.  The page states:

“Kiko Payongayong was a Crystal favorite. Kiko was with Crystal for 27 years and beloved of so many. With his infectious smile, Kiko was always so cheerful and shared his happiness with everybody he’d meet.  He will be greatly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him.

This fund was created to help Kiko’s family. He leaves behind a wife and four children. 100% of the funds raised will go directly to his family. Please consider helping them in this time of great sorrow and need.”

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Photo credit: Go Fund Me