Cruise Center reports news from Italy that a judge in Italy sentenced three 3 people who were involved in smuggling cocaine on an Italian flagged cruise ship to ten year individual sentences and a fine each of 60,000 Euros for importing ten kilos of cocaine from South America on the cruise ship Armonia operated by MSC.

The Judge sentenced Bosnians Mihalovič Zoran Jaksic, Mladen Miljanic, and Braim Sirani. The judges accepted the requests made by the public prosecutor Angela Masiello, who fought for the highest sentence.

MSC ArmoniaImplicated in the cruise ship smuggling operation were four other people, including a MSC crew member.

The cruise ship departed from Punta dell’Este in Uruguay and arrived at the port of Venice. 

After arriving in Venice, the 28-year old crew member Dejan Ivanovic (who was also convicted), was directed to deliver the cocaine in a Hotel in Venice. The crew member implicated the cruise ship’s cook, who landed in Buenos Aires due to illness, to take the drugs to Venice in exchange for 10,000 Euros.

We have reported on drug busts on MSC cruise ships before:

Cocaine Drug Bust on MSC Magnifica Cruise Ship

Drug Bust Nabs Two MSC Cruise Passengers


Photo Credit: Wikipedia (Ivan T.)