A local news station in Phoenix Arizona, KPHO, aired an interview with Ken Carver whose daughter, Merrian, "disappeared" on a cruise ship operated by Royal Caribbean’s subsidiary, Celebrity Cruises.  KPHO’s story is entitled "Valley Father Fights For Cruise Ship Safety." 

The video of Mr. Carver’s interview can be viewed here.

The The Arizona Republic published an excellently researched and written story about Ms. Carver’s "disappearance" and the cruise line’s attempted cover up. 

Ken Carver - International Cruise VictimsTragedies like this would destroy many parents who lose a child under these disturbing circumstances.  But Mr. Carver channeled his energies into creating the International Cruise Victims ("ICV"), an organization of cruise victims and friends who are fighting for mandatory reforms to the cruise industry.

Mr. Carver, a retired insurance executive, is leading the fight. Two weeks ago the United States House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to pass the Cruise Security and Safety Act of 2009.  The new safety law will require cruise lines to report crimes to the FBI and U.S. Coast Guard and implement other security measures.    

The new law is now awaiting a vote in the U.S. Senate. Mr. Carver obtained the support of Senator John Kerry to introduce the cruise safety bill in the U.S. Senate. 

We have reported on the ICV’s hard work which led to the passage of this new law in a previous article: "Congress Passes Cruise Crime Law." Are you a member of the ICV?  If not, consider joining.

You can contact Mr. Carver at kcarver17@cox.net


Photo credit      KPHO, Phoenix, Arizona