A young man went overboard from a passenger ship in the port of Piraeus four days ago, according to the Safety4Sea publication. During the evening of May 23, 2018, the passenger went overboard from the "RoRo" (roll on / roll off) ferry Blue Horizon, while the ship was still docked in the port of
What Happened on this Costa Cruise Ship?
By Jim Walker on
Posted in Crew News
A reader of Cruise Law News sent me a link to this Costa crew member’s Facebook page which contains video and photographs of hundreds of broken dishes in the ship’s galley.
It appears that the cruise ship experienced some type of incident affecting the ship’s navigational system; I’m not sure of the details.
You can…
Royal Caribbean’s “Monster of the Seas” – a Cruise Ship Only Gordon Gekko Could Love
By Jim Walker on
Posted in Cruise Pollution
Cruise fans, travel agents and cruise communities have been abuzz in anticipation of Royal Caribbean’s new cruise ship – the "Oasis of the Seas." "Amazing! . . Wow! . . Look at that!" . . . have been the extent of the popular media’s insight into this new super mega ship.
But a few journalists have questioned the environmental appropriateness of this monster of a cruise ship.