Today the Government of Australia extended the ban against cruise travel to a minimum of three months:

Newspapers across Australia report that Australians are restricted from overseas travel or cruise ship holidays for at least three more months as the government extends the biosecurity ban imposed at the start of the pandemic.

The ban

Cruise executives excitedly expressed their optimism yesterday about resuming cruises at the annual Seatrade Cruise conference, which is being held this year in an entirely virtual manner due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Carnival Corporation’s Arnold Donald, NCL’s Frank Del Rio and Royal Caribbean all stated that they were confident that cruising would soon start from

NCL’s Del Rio – It’s “Absolutely Safe” to Resume Cruising

Royal Caribbean – Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL)’s “Healthy Sail” Panel made its recommendations to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last week in an effort to resume cruise operations. Travel magazines, cruise writers, travel bloggers, and even major newspapers excitedly reported on what