Today noted maritime historian, mariner, and host of the popular maritime YouTube page “What’s Going On With Shipping?” Sal Mercogliano  posted a reference to the Crystal Symphony sailing the Red Sea:

Yes, the Crystal Cruises ship actually transited the dangerous Strait of Bab el-Mandeb and sailed through the Red Sea where Houthi

There continues to be widespread reporting of the demise of Crystal Cruises following the arrest of the Crystal Symphony and Crystal Serenity. As we mentioned on Saturday morning, late last Friday evening, Bahamian authorities seized the two Crystal cruise ships at general anchorage in Freeport, Bahamas.

Unfortunately, there has been erroneous press coverage here

The Crystal Symphony and Crystal Serenity have been arrested late Friday night, February 4th, according to crew members on the ships.

Both Crystal cruise ships are in waters near the port in Freeport, Bahamas.

Earlier yesterday, we were notified that crew wages were current as of January. However, other Crystal crew members insist that