A young man went overboard from a passenger ship in the port of Piraeus four days ago, according to the Safety4Sea publication. During the evening of May 23, 2018, the passenger went overboard from the "RoRo" (roll on / roll off) ferry Blue Horizon, while the ship was still docked in the port of
Another Man Overboard Marks Three Year Anniversary of Disappearance of Richard Fearnside
A reader of Cruise Law News brought to my attention that a crew member disappeared at sea from a ferry operated by Irish Ferries from Rosslare, Ireland to Pembroke, Wales yesterday. A number of newspapers have reported that a a large air and sea search was just suspended after the crew member apparently went overboard into…
Disappearance of Richard Fearnside, Missing P&O Ferries Passenger, Featured on U.K. Television
ITV television broadcast this video to a nationwide audience in the U.K. yesterday about the plight of the Fearnside family who lost their son, Richard (photo left), at sea from a ferry, the Pride of Kent.
The ferry is operated by P&O Ferries. The ferry line does not have any automatic man overboard systems…
P&O Ferries Ignores Widespread Requests to Install Safety Cameras on its Ferries
Last week I wrote an article entitled Top 10 Most Outrageous Cruise Ship Stories of 2013. There were a lot out outrageous moments in the maritime community last year. I had to work hard to whittle my initial list of outrageous cruise stories down to just ten.
One outrageous story which I had…
P&O Ferries’ Competitors Weigh in on Man-Overboard CCTV Camera Debate in U.K.
We have asked P&O Ferries’ primary competitors to answer whether they have CCTV cameras on the passenger decks on their ships. We’d like to see whether P&O Ferries is the only U.K. based ferry line not using CCTV cameras to monitor and record the activities on their passenger decks.
France’s MyFerryLink answered today stating only…
An Open Letter to P&O Ferries CEO Helen Deeble: Do the Right Thing
Dear Ms. Deeble.
Cruise and ferry executives have difficult jobs, I suspect. You have to effectively deal with labor disputes, increasing fuel costs, and price wars with your competitors in an increasing difficult economy. What a headache.
In addition to managing the financial pluses and minuses of your businesses, cruise executives like you also have…
P&O Ferries No-CCTV Camera Controversy: Expect a Long Fight
Following intense public pressure brought by Richard Fearnside’s mother Marianne, P&O Ferries has posted comments on its Facebook page stating that it will be discussing the use of CCTV cameras with the "wider shipping community" and will be raising this issue with the "UK and European Maritime safety authorities."
Don’t believe it. This is…
Three Men Charged With Assault on P&O Ferries Spirit of France
As a maritime lawyer in Miami Florida, I have mostly followed and reported on the schenanigans of the Miami-based cruise lines.
But after learning of the plight of the Fearnside family who lost their son, Richard, on a P&O ferry based in the U.K, I have broadened my horizons.
What on earth is going…
P&O Ferries Crisis Manager Is No Stranger to Ferry Disasters
P&O Ferries spokesperson and crisis manager Chris Laming is at the epicenter of the public relations disaster following the disappearance of ferry passenger Richard Fearnside.
After 31 year-old Richard went missing from the P&O Pride of Kent, his mother Marianne Fearnside wrote to P&O Ferries to ask what happened to…
Bogus Cruise Ship Accident Exposed
Closed circuit television (CCTV) video helped the Sun Cruz Casino defend a claim made by a passenger who staged a fake accident at the bottom of a stairwell on the ship.
The video shows an elderly man walking repeatedly up and down a stairwell, apparently rehearsing how the accident will unfold. When no one is…