On Tuesday, a Finnish cruise passenger, who had been placed in a holding cell for his unruly / intoxicated behavior, “tried to light his underwear on fire,” according to a newspaper in Finland.
It appears that the drunken guest was successful in starting the fire because a “smoke detector was activated by the burning undergarment” and crew members reportedly “put out the flames with a fire extinguisher.”
How the cruise passenger was able to access a match in the holding facility remains a mystery. Nonetheless, the cruise line’s manager of safety was quoted in the newspaper as saying that “on the whole, though, we won’t have to take too many measures beyond our regular procedures.”
The incident reportedly took place on Viking Line’s Cinderella cruise ship.
The brief fire (pun intended) sent three crew members who inhaled smoke to a shore-side hospital. The crew members subsequently returned to the ship unharmed.
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