As I mentioned in my article two days ago, ICV’s Ken Carver Outlasts Cruise Industry, Ken Carver has been on a crusade to bring greater safety and transparency to the cruise industry since 2004 when his daughter Merriam disappeared on a Celebrity cruise to Alaska. In my opinion, it was not only the loss of his daughter which motivated Mr. Carver, but the despicable way that the cruise line treated him that turned him into a lifetime advocate for families who lose a family member on the high seas.  

According to ABC 15 Phoenix, "Kendall Carver said his story is proof that the cruise industry hasn’t been honest about crimes committed on board. He said he hopes new legislation will keep what happened to his daughter from happening to anyone else." 

"Every two weeks somebody goes missing on a cruise ship. Merriam’s case was just one of the ones that happens every couple of weeks."  

Mr. Carver and the organization which he founded, International Cruise Victims, have brought international attention to the problem of missing persons and crime on cruise ships. This morning, the U.K.’s Daily Mail published an article about Mr. Carver and the new cruise safety law entitled "New Regulations Force Cruise Companies to Publish Online Crime List Documenting Statistics for Thefts, Rapes and Murders Committed on Ships." 


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