King of the Nile FireTen days ago we reported on a fire which occurred aboard a small cruise ship / river cruise called the King of the Nile. The reports out of Egypt were that none of the passengers or crew members were injured.

But the popular cruise blog Noticias de Cruceros reported passenger accounts suggesting that the fire was far worse than reported and may have caused injuries and fatalities.

You can read the article here.

The article and the Noticias de Cruceros Facebook page contain photographs which show extreme fire and smoke conditions and include images of people jumping from an upper deck to escape the blaze.

We have posted eight images of the fire, courtesy of the Noticias de Cruceros website, at our Facebook page. Click here to review the photos.

Cruise lines, travel companies and tourism bureaus often down-play fires and casualties like this to avoid scaring off customers and disrupting tourism.  Fortunately, there are websites like Noticias de Cruceros which will publish photos like this so that the cruising public can make up its own mind about the dangers of some types of travel and vacation advertisements. Do you trust cruise, travel and tourism representatives to tell you the whole story?  Join the discussion of our Facebook page.

King of the Nile Fire


King of the Nile Fire