Kriti II Ferry FireA fire erupted on an Anek Lines cruise ferry (ro-ro) off the coast of Greece earlier this week.

On November 19th, a blaze started on the car deck of the Kriti II (built 1979) while the ferry approached Patras after sailing from Venice, Italy. 

There were around 113 passengers on board, plus a crew of 87.  

The vessel was brought into port with black smoke billowing from it, with cars and trucks aboard the vessel catching fire. No casualties or injures were reported. states that the ferry "suffered severe damage to its interior. The fire had been slowly burning already hours before the ship reached the port of Patras and it was purely a matter of luck that the open fire did not emerge on open sea where winds had been blowing . . . "

The video shows firefighters trying to extinguish vehicles which were driven out of the ferry on fire.

Photo credit: Turkey SeaNews.