The Telegraph newspaper in the U.K. has an interesting story containing a passenger’s account of events aboard the Independence of the Seas following the explosion at the port in Gibraltar. Some of the accounts:
“People thought it was a bomb and started screaming. Parents jumped in the pool to grab their children, while others dashed to the kids’ club on deck 12 to see if their children were injured.”
"One crew member . . . heard screaming and saw black smoke; she thought one of the restaurants was on fire."
"At dinner that night, the explosion was on everyone’s lips. ‘We thought it was a bomb,’ one middle-aged passenger said. ‘American ship in a British port – quite an easy target.’
All of the accounts we have read praised the captain and crew. "Within minutes, the captain made an announcement, ordering everyone off the open decks and balconies, and sending a rapid response team up to deck 11 where the outdoor pools and bars were packed with young families making the most of the Gibraltar heat."
"Officers ran along the side of the dock to the stern of the ship, presumably to check for any damage . . . Just four minutes later, we slipped our moorings and the ship sailed . . . Thanks to a quick-thinking captain, a major incident was averted."
YouTube member "Kasbah89" posted a video of the fire. It shows the Independence of the Seas quickly departing away from the burning oil tank and turning to head out of danger:
Were you on the cruise and have photos or video to share? Please let us here from you.
Video credit: kasbah89 / YouTube
Some amazing photographs can be viewed at David Parody’s Flickr photostream here.