USA Today reports that Star Clippers is returning to Antigua.  This is less than five months after it dropped Antigua as a port of call following the murder of passenger Nina Elisabeth Nilssen. 

Star Cippers - Crime - Antigua We have written many articles about crime in Antigua and Ms. Nilssen’s untimely death. 

The newspaper quotes Star Clippers’ president Jack Chatham saying:  

"Star Clippers has been assured by the Antiguan government that they have improved security on the island, particularly in the areas where our guests visit."

hhmmnn . . .  not sure that I would make a decision solely on what a tourist dependent Caribbean official "assured" me.  

There is no mention of exactly what security improvements have in fact taken place to protect tourists.  The Star Clippers Blog contains no mention of this tragic case, nor any warnings of high crime in the Caribbean ports. 

Our article Travel Writers and the Ethics of Reporting Cruise News raises the issue of whether cruise lines, travel agents and cruise reporters are doing a disservice to the public by keeping them in the dark regarding crimes in the beautiful Caribbean ports of call.  



Photograph     USA Today: "Should cruise lines pull out of Antigua in wake of murder?"