The popular Italian TV Show "Chi l’ha Visto?" featured the story of Angelo Faliva last night.
Mr. Faliva was a healthy, happy and well-liked chef aboard the Coral Princess cruise ship when he "disappeared" on the high seas near Columbia last November. The cruise line is content with throwing its hand up and claiming "we don’t know what happened" – a less than believable explanation given the fact that the Princess cruise ships have hundreds of video cameras all over their cruise ships.
We have written many articles about Mr. Faliva and his family’s struggle to seek information about his disappearance.
The "Chi l’ha Visto?" program in Italy is a cross between the U.S.’s Sixty Minutes and America’s Most Wanted television programs.
The Italian producers interviewed Angelo’s sister, Chiara, who has taken the lead in searching for answers, as well as Mr. Faliva’s mother and father, Giuseppina and Roberto. There are very insightful videos of Angelo showing his dynamic and fun-loving personality.
The Faliva family expresses their appreciation of the efforts of the International Cruise Victims (ICV) organization to publicize this latest cruise ship disappearance and the indifference of the cruise line and the flag country (Bermuda) to seriously investigate and solve this mystery.
The ICV’s story regarding Mr. Faliva can be viewed here. The "Chi l’ha Visto?" video is below. It is in Italian, but the images are compelling. Even if you can’t speak Italian, you can feel what the family is saying.
If you have information about this story, please contact us.
Coral Princess Bridge Cam Princess Cruises
Video "Chi l’ha Visto?"