After a nineteen month long trial, the three judges presiding over the Costa Concordia trial sentenced Captain Francisco Schettino to sixteen (16) years in jail for manslaughter, causing the disaster and abandoning ship. The sentence was broken down as follows; ten (10) years for multiple counts of manslaughter, five (5) years for causing the shipwreck

Russel Rebello – The True Captain of the Costa Concordia
Today, the body of Costa crew member Russel Rebello was found in the salvaged wreck of the Costa Concordia. His remains were the last to be removed from the ill-fated cruise ship.
Mr. Rebello was known to his fellow crew members as a warm, friendly and always-smiling young man. He was last seen going…
Captain Schettino Lectures Graduate Students on “Management of Panic Control”
Disgraced Costa captain Francesco Schettino is back in the news after a professor at the University of Rome invited him to lecture to a class of graduate students studying forensic science.
A number of news sources quote Schettino saying: "I was called in because I am an expert. I had to illustrate the management of panic…
CNN’s New Day Reports: Costa Captain Says “Not My Fault”
Yesterday morning, CNN’s New Day aired a short program about Captain Schettino’s testimony at his criminal trial. He claims that he is not to blame for the deadly Concordia disaster.
CNN’s Erin McLaughlin reports on the story.
I was interviewed briefly in the program.
You can read about the story here.
Captain Schettino Blames Helmsman for Sinking the Concordia
In yesterday’s criminal trial against Captain Schettino, the disgraced captain of the doomed Costa Concordia testified that the disaster was not his fault, but was due to the error of the helmsman who failed to promptly follow his orders to turn the cruise ship away from the rocks.
Schettino testified that when he arrived in…
Shameful: Costa Concordia Plea Deals Pervert Justice & Disrespect Victims
The big news this weekend in the on-again off-again Costa Concordia trial was the announcement that five Costa employees were sentenced to jail time for manslaughter in the death of 32 Concordia cruise passengers and crew members.
But you will see no photographs of the five men in court in handcuffs because there will be…
More Concordia Craziness: Scorned Woman Sues Costa
The Costa Concordia disaster has created some of the weirdest stories I have ever heard of in the field of maritime law. The notion of a playboy captain dining with a young blonde former ship dancer while the cruise ship heads towards disaster would be an improbable movie script if the story were not so…
News Channel 7 Investigates “Captain of Controversy” Francesco Schettino – Coward or Scapegoat?
Miami news station WSVN – 7 aired an interesting interview with Francesco Schettino last night and asked: Is he a coward who caused 32 people to die the night his ship the Costa Concordia capsized? Or is he is a professional who did all that he could to avert disaster due to mistakes by his…
Criminal Case Continues Against Captain Schettino – Island of Giglio Requests Compensation of 80,000,000 Euros
A court in Italy is proceeding with preliminary hearings to consider evidence whether Captain Francesco Schettino will face trial for criminal charges for his involvement in the Costa Concordia disaster.
Schettino, labelled "Captain Calamity" in the press, appeared at the proceedings yesterday, faces a trial on charges of manslaughter, causing a shipwreck and abandoning ship. …
Chaos, Confusion & Fear Aboard Costa Concordia
Newspapers in Europe are reporting on the contents of the legal submissions made by the Italian prosecutors who have been collecting evidence regarding the Costa Concordia disaster.
Sky News has an interesting video which you can watch here.
You can hear about 5 year old Dayana Arlotti who drown along with her father after…