Robert Redfield (above, far right), the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was reportedly prepared to extent the “no-sail order” on passenger cruises from U.S. ports until February of 2021, according to AXIOS News. However, according to sources with direct knowledge, the White House reportedly overruled the CDC and limited the order until the end of October 2020.

AXIOS explained that the mixed outcome is the result of the “latest disagreement between Redfield and members of President Trump’s team.” AXIOS stated that “the undermining of Redfield has been the source of much consternation among public health officials inside the administration, who argue that a politically motivated White House is ignoring the science and pushing too aggressively to reopen the economy and encourage large gatherings.”

According to AXIOS, the White House overruled CDC Director Redfield on the cruise ship ban due to political issues. This is  because the cruise industry in Florida is a major economic presence. The state of Florida is heavily contested between Trump and Biden. The cruise lines have also called on their Republican Senators Scott (above, far left) and Rubio from Florida in the last month to try and circumvent the CDC.

Director Refield reportedly argued that the ban on cruise ships (which expires tomorrow) should be extended until February 2021 “because of the virus’ severity and the vulnerability for spread on cruises.” But Vice President Pence (above, middle right) reportedly told Redfield that the ban would be extended just another month.

AXIOS reported that cruise industry representatives are scheduled to meet with the Trump administration on Friday to “describe their transformation and dozens of ways that they will mitigate risk and ensure public health,” according to a White House official.

A White House official told AXIOS that the decision allegedly “balances the public health impacts and the economic ramifications on the country.”

In our view, this is exactly what the cruise line was hoping for – a decision made primarily for economic interests at the expense of the  health and lives of the public. Despite the political schenanigans, cruising remains entirely a lesisurely activity and not remotely an essential business activity. Cruising during a deadly pandemic remains a dangerous activity. There have been over 200,000 lives lost and hundreds sickended due to the failure of the U.S. to have a cogent COVID19 plan.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former FDA commissioner and member of the joint Royal Caribbean-NCL panel studying the resumption of cruising, warned two days ago that the U.S. could start to see a “real upsurge” of COVID19 cases in the upcoming months. Furthermore, Republican Governor DeSantis (above, middle left) opened up bars and restuarants in Florida this week which will likely exacerbate the spread of the deadly virus in this state with several major cruise ports.

We discussed the obvious shortcommings of the Royal Caribbean – NCL recommendations made to resume cruise operations in our article yesterday – Why The Royal Caribbean – NCL “Healthy Sail” Protocols Will Fail.

There is a long term relationship between Trump and the CEO’s of Carnival Corporation and NCL over the years.

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September 30. 2020 Update: As expected:

The CDC extended No-Sail Order for at least another month. You can read the order here. The CDC stated:
“Cruise ships continue to be unsafe environment with close quarters where disease spreads easily & is not readily detectable.”
“Availability of routine viral testing available on cruise ships remains limited.”
The Director of the CDC “‘continues to find that cruise ship travel exacerbates the global spread of COVID-19, that the scope of the pandemic is inherently and necessarily a problem that is international and interstate in nature, and such transmission has not been controlled sufficiently by the cruise ship industry or individual State or local health authorities.”
October 1, 2020 Update: