The Spanish Rescue Company, Salvamento Marítimo, medevaced a 73 year-old woman from the Celebrity Reflection today.
El crucero Celebrity Reflection solicitó ayer la evacuación médica de un pasajero danés de 73 años cuando se encontraban a 50 millas al oeste de Palma de Mallorca. Nuestro helicóptero Helimer 215 lo trasladó al hospital de Son Espases. #SeguridadMaritima
— SALVAMENTO MARÍTIMO (@salvamentogob) October 18, 2019
The Celebrity cruise ship was reportedly 50 miles west of Palma de Mallorco at the time of the medical evacuation. The helicopter flew the passenger to the hospital of Son Espases, which is north of Palma in Spain.
There is no public information regarding the nature of the cruise guest’s medical emergency or her current condition.
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Photo credit: Moonik – CC BY-SA 3.0, commons/wikimedia.