FOX 4 Fort Myers aired a gruesome video last night taken by passengers on the Carnival Ecstasy of blood pouring out of the top of the elevator running down the elevator door like a sheet. The passenger said "it sounded like a rainstorm . . . "
The news account reported that the couple were heading to dinner on the 10th floor of the ship Sunday night when they saw the horrifying scene.
The video apparently shows the aftermath of an elevator accident where a crew member who was in the elevator shaft was mortally injured.
The FOX channel reported that cruise ship employees told the couple that the accident seriously injured an electrician who later died.
The Miami-Dade Police Department identified the victim as 66-year-old Jose Sandoval Opazo.
The family reportedly said that Carnival offered to pay for them to go to three counseling sessions.
WARNING: Graphic content.
January 5 2016 update: Ms. Sandoval’s daughter left a message (below) seeking relevant information, saying in part: "Does anyone know the truth, and why he was there alone. anyone who wants to help me, my contact is Thanks Carolina"