NBC’s Today show aired a special program this morning titled Why do some cruise ships lack lifeguards to watch children?
In my opinion, the answer is simple: cruise lines are cutting corners to increase profits. Plus, cruise lines face no legal consequence if the child dies. The cruise industry doesn’t face financial accountability because a child’s life has no financial worth under the Death on the High Seas Act.
Lots of cruise fans like to assign 100% fault on the parents. However, that won’t prevent children from drowning in unattended cruise ship pools in the future. Cruise lines have a legal obligation to exercise reasonable care to keep kids safe. Not hiring a lifeguard is reckless. A warning sign by itself won’t work. Kids don’t pay attention to signs. Some kids can’t even read. Small children can’t comprehend the risks involved, especially if they can’t swim.
The Cruise Line International Association (CLIA) says that it attempts to manage pool safety for kids only by using signs. It’s a flawed policy that will ensure that children drown while on cruise vacations.
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