Celebrity SolsticeWe received complaints from cruise passengers that there was a gastrointestinal outbreak on the Celebrity Solstice at the end of August. One cruise passenger contacted us and stated: 

"Our Celebrity Solstice cruise out of Barcelona on 8/27/12 had a huge outbreak of the norovirus. People were sick at the end of the cruise, however Celebrity loaded up the ship to head back out the same day. I don’t see how in the world the boat could have been cleaned thoroughly."

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) do not document cases of cruise ship norovirus / gastrointestinal illness when the cruise ships do not call on a U.S. port.  

There have been 11 official cases of such illnesses on cruises calling on U.S. ports this year, all of them declared by the CDC to be norovirus cases. Passengers aboard the Celebrity Silhouette and the Celebrity Constellation were struck by norovirus earlier this year.


Photo Attribution: Maprie at en.wikipedia