Yesterday I blogged about a near collision which allegedly occurred between Royal Caribbean’s Liberty of the Seas and a small Italian fishing boat, the Angela II, which is based in Civitavecchia.
You can read my article: Royal Caribbean’s Liberty of the Seas Nearly Runs Over Italian Fishing Boat. The article was based on an account from the highly credible cruise blog Noticias de Cruceros. You can also read about the incident here from an Italian newspaper.
This morning, someone posted a comment to my article, claiming that the near collision story was a lie, and suggesting that the Italian authorities made it up. The person who posted the comment claims that he was on the cruise ship and says that the fishing boat had no fishing equipment and that it was the Liberty of the Seas which altered course and passed the boat by some 250 meters.
Now, I was not on the cruise so I don’t know what happened. There are two sides to every story and I’d like to know what really happened.
We have the fishing boat’s version of events. There is no official corporate statement by Royal Caribbean at this point. And I can find no comments from the passengers on the cruise ship. Just this one comment to my blog:
"It’s such a lie, what they wrote there,I been on this ship and watch what happened.This fishing boat was with out any fishing equipment and just suddenly start to run towards the ship from close distance.The ship is the one who alter course to avoid collision,where fishing boat just stopped dead in front of them and distance when we pass fishing boat was over 250 mtrs.
However,it’s was a nice try from Italian authorities to blame the ship,but not their own fishing boat,for creating such a dangerous situation for the ship."
The person leaving the comment left only a first name and a bogus email address:
After a little research, I determined that the comment was posted by someone at Royal Caribbean’s headquarters in Miami. How do I know that? I’m not saying. But I am 100% certain that it was sent from the Royal Caribbean offices near the port of Miami.
Cruise Law News (CLN) is a very popular blog. Lots of people love to cruise but subscribe to this blog to get "the other side of the story." Many major cruise lines here in Miami understand that. They will respond to our inquiries about issues we write about here and send us press statements. If we have our facts wrong, the cruise lines will call or send us an email. I will immediately post their statements to set the record straight, even if the statements are pure PR drivel.
But Royal Caribbean is different. It is the least transparent cruise line in the business. It refuses to respond to requests for information. Instead of issuing a corporate statement under its letterhead, it will be sneaky and try and slide in a comment pretending to be a passenger, and an eye witness at that! What kind of reputable PR department acts like this?